Using Social Networking, Virtual Worlds, and Physical Alteration To Evolve And Augment Humanity To A Higher Plane

Monday, July 16, 2007

now we need an uberupdater

OK so now I have to update Facebook, Twitter, Pownce, and every other stinking new social network site which comes along? Has anyone built an uber-updater which updates all this stuff at once? No, but if you think about it, thats not the crux of the problem. We all have statuses that we want to report to different people. No one has really figured how to do this correctly and most importantly, automatically. Pluggd has a little add-on that updates your twitter status with what you are listening to on Pluggd. We need more of that - Outlook updating Twitter, Pownce etc etc etc. We need one of these services to morph into the core status tool, and my gut says thats twitter. I update my twitter status and BAM, everything flows from there.

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chris future

chris future
chris future
