Using Social Networking, Virtual Worlds, and Physical Alteration To Evolve And Augment Humanity To A Higher Plane

Friday, June 8, 2007

twitter leads to tour of california

I get a twitter from one of my buddies, eric rice, who is ustreaming his drive (in his car) from his place to the Pixelodeon festival in LA. So I tune in and there he is, driving down 101.

How does this make me a bigger, better, person? While I'm sitting here at my desk working, I can tour the length of California with Eric. My senses have been augmented with his trip.

I'm real interested in his rig. The whole telepresence field is really interesting to me, since my gut says that in the days of rising fuel prices, global terror, and other reasons to stay home, people still want to experience other places - and these little experiments like and Erics ustream and the great-grandpappys of full immersive telepresence, where you don't really need to be there anymore in order to experience a place.

Can you image when we get to that day? Distance will really be nothing then.

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chris future
chris future
